By Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye
Mr. president, your annulment and dismantle of UDUB party out of mere hatred overlooking our national interests was historic mistake on the part of your government , it had been there, your party could be in better position in the next election. But now blaming Wadani party for writing x and y letters to x country only reflects how your party become leaderless due to illness or hibernation. Voters see your false accusation of the Wadani like blaming unborn baby that wronged no man but insisting on saying, he’ll do this and that to x tribe and x country when born! For your mere assertion, how do we your trust your prophecy when you Mr. President overpromised during your last election campaigns but delivered nothing to that regard except serving the needs of the few voracious individuals. Mr. President the country is in danger and the stakes are high. But you’re not in TV to speak out the ongoing diplomatic crisis with the region and with our partners on democracy and elections. I wish you well and healthy, not engaged in underselling ports and wildlife, and moving earth to sell to China in your transitional mandate of less nine month.
Mr. President, as concerned citizen, all I see in the state TV is Amina Waris did so and so, Hirsi responded to Ali Guray over the election timelines telling, “doomsday won’t happen if “infidel” elections are cancelled.
Last time, Mr. President you promised curbing skyrocketing corruption, and forming lean government reducing tribal tone in speeches from the state TV and radio, unfortunately, as anyone else can agree with me, the embezzlements, state purse plundering, and overtaxing struggling small businesses are all time high! Now, almost of all of the businesses either rendered insolvent or moved to Bosaso like the recent classical threat from the car importers when your son-in-law established illegal Vehicle Inspection Centre in which the businesses said we’ve no problem with it if it’s lawful but it looks like checkpoint under family rule rather than state institution. Hirsi Haji Ali and Amina Waris misusing the state authority issued the license to him. Mr. President you know how it damages our goodwill as small country heavily rely on Zakat and Western aid money? Mr. President if Somaliland has place in your heart, stop massive plundering that many of your workmates are up to.
Mr. President you were gentlemanlike when out of power allowing to meet ordinaries on the streets and looked determined to turn Somaliland around: fixing the struggling economy, and helping Somaliland attain stated its strategic goals: global recognition, and mentoring, not just your tribal juniors to be the leader of tomorrow, but minorities and politically marginalized individuals as well but inspiring to better themselves and their country.
Mr. president you are held hostage to few yes-men and women who do tell you nothing but that they can overtax x sun-burnt tomatoes vendors in Hargiesa streets not because they are bad but because they’ve no idea how economy grows. Mr. President you ought to reconsider to your working ties with such dubious group whose sole aim to siphon off the meager public purse when our economy is reversing to 17-century outlook.
Any day elections delay unnecessarily or for lame excuse, it’ll make Somaliland pay heavy price. Please don’t accept Salabeen Gaal’s advice to do prolong your anathema administration’s lifetime on the basis of few people’ suggestion who are with you just to be paid. Listen to your public who are tired of your trite speeches and longing for a change, hopefully better change than yours.
Mr. President allow people of somaliland to vote you out of office democratically without resorting to violence. Don’t just let the elections happen, but make it happen, Mr. President, to leave a legacy that lead us to converge on your gravesite irrespective of our political opinion, and pour prayers once you pass away. Remember Mr. President, future doesn’t mere get brighter for certain nations without great leaders, remember to have a better future for all of us, let think the right thing now. Good things don’t happen in vacuum. There are two choices ahead of you: the way to Gar-adag, the evil tribalism, the lack of elections and authoritarianism high way to Mogadishu or the elections and social justice is the only pathway to the immediate future prosperity that our country is dreaming to attain. I hope you choose the right choice.
Mr. President, thanks in advance.
Dirye is Somalil. and Activist and Political Commentator based in Addis Ababa,
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