Friday, 15 May 2015

Silanyo and his fellower' s hidden secret agenda is to keep the power forever.

Somaliland, 14 may 2015 - Csh - Hopefully, a greater appreciation for “human terrain” will be one of the outcomes and lessons learned from the last 5 years of Siilanyo' s regime. Like the Mad mullah, the West can become wiser by looking to the past to inform decision making as it works to help to transform fragile states and dictatorship propaganda against western world, “barbarism” into “civilization”

Silanyo 's secret agenda and propaganda today is like The British saw mad mullahs resistance as irrational , a result of madness brought on by religious fanaticism and brain damage, as opposed to Mad mullah' s fury at the fact that Somalis were ruled by non-Muslims. Derogatory appellations and name formulations that include labels like barbarian, butcher, fanatic, tyrant, zealot and madman are simplistic but effective propaganda effects employed to deepen domestic fear of adversaries.
Vilification is a valuable tactic that is critical to the propagandist prior to and during hostilities for a few reasons. One of them is to keep power forever. And it is the beginning of dictatorship and totalitarianism 's propaganda to decrease opposition party

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