An interesting article on the youth The “Secret” of success is not very hard to figure out. The better you are at connecting with other people, the better the quality of your life. There has been a growing international interest in the fast spreading popularity on internet and social media.

The internet is powerful and if used properly can be use full for learning new life and career development, In the third world specifically in our set up, East African people use much of the power of the internet mainly social media for family relations, friends and colleague communication, and networking. Connecting is good for the community, after all, a community is nothing but the culmination of a lot of connections, common beliefs achievements, values interests, and geography.

The first step is, to ask yourself what you would like your brand to be. Most people confuse their brand with their job, or think that it is only their professional competencies that determine their brand. There are a few more dimensions to it, like your values, and your motivation for doing what you do. This is a personal decision, and something you should take your time with. By talking with others on your social media sites, but also elsewhere, like on blogs and in discussion forums, you will attract some interest if your comments are interesting and add value, it is crucial to get started today.

But on the other hand some people post information that is important on the community in general for example Health and related issues, Religion ,education and peace building youth developments, human rights and humanitarianism never the less some cultures like Somali usually promotes socialization. While some cultures around the world do not support for many reasons including un employment and cheap internet access , the use of smart phones, I pads and advertisements promotes internet usage in some points. Recently public figures, celebrities and politicians use social media for updating their followers by the power of internet. When you have established yourself and your brand on the internet with social media and your own website, the next step is to promote yourself, and drive people to your website and social media pages. In addition to spending time in social media, it is crucial to launch a personal website, with your name in the URL. Not only does it give you complete say over what you want to publish (and not to be worried about the rules of the social media sites), but it gives you the opportunity to give the website a look and feel that is quintessential of you and your brand. It also enables easy online promotion, especially if your full name is widely used. Your website should have a lot of content that relates to your area of expertise. This is one place that should not be hard to find, and should have the type of quality content that identifies you as an authority in your field. As well as talking about accomplishments which can motivate your employees and followers, it can be inspirational. The power of LinkedIn professional network which I personally use mostly is where you can learn, join international professional groups and exchange knowledge, discuss with your colleagues in the same profession, with the latest technology innovations. You can even learn and attend international professional webinars at times using social media. Networking with international professionals is a gift from God, introducing your area of residence, your environment and learning capacity.

We somalilanders have a chance to sell our nations brand to the world introducing our nation’s independence and seeking recognition from the international community. Somaliland has been independent since the year 1991 and has a political scenario similar to that of Taiwan and south Sudan.

We are a country who fulfilled all standard requirements as well as managed to rebuild the country by ourselves without international community support and foreign investments. But people are different in communication and connection management. The latest studies in Health supported multi tasking and building new relationships all around the world.

Networking and health education and promoting modern medicine in your page is much more beneficial to yourself and your community, than sitting in a café and talking about politics and clans, nepotism, etc.

I am strongly promoting that my followers should utilize the power of the Internet, with learning and sharing experiences. I am against politics and other socialization on face book and I am not promoting politics and all other things that are against human unity and nationalism. Medicine Africa web is a social media page for education initiated by enthusiastic young medical doctors from UK and Somaliland in the year 2007. This web has wide web learning that connects mentors from UK with medical students from Somaliland universities and some other African and Asian countries.

There are of course some social media web pages that should be favored over others. LinkedIn, Twitter and Face book are the top three, but be careful how you employ them, and how you interact with others.

What contributions should you make on social media websites? This shows how you are different, and how you can talk about different perspectives, accomplishments, difficult case studies or anything where you applied your professional capabilities. You can also write about yourself, like doing volunteer work, events in your area, or your travels. But unless you are targeting a certain target market, don’t talk about questionable topics like politics, because controversy is most of the time a negative brand contributor.

Two weeks ago I burned (what do you mean by burned?!!) an article on building your career in non supporting environment is gift from god, which focuses on my working days followed by my in service trainings while living in a less developed country with lots of challenges, gaps as well as working with self motivation and faithfulness.

What are we doing and working with intuition. Selling your brand, nation and love what you do is mindfulness experience. ( what do u mean by this line?) I personally founded a face book page which is Global unification international Somaliland.

This page has almost five thousand followers. Main points and reasons for making this page are encouragement on health systems developments followed with, health informatics and sharing world’s latest health innovations. Done voluntarily which my medical students, health care professionals and lay people can benefit from.

We owe what are we doing and working with intuition to international networking consultants from Australia and African membership colleagues. Selling your brand, nation and loving what you do is mindfulness experience. I have seen an international professional article seven days ago that inspired me to write this article.