Monday, 1 June 2015

Uncertain way ahead for Somaliland

On 18 may, 1991 prior to any political exploration of what the fate of 3.5 million people would look like in two decades or more. Bunch of shepherd mobs assaulted political leaders Abdirahman Ahmed Ali, and his team carefully studying what the safest political course "Somalilanders" should take and how to navigate untraveled territory safely: restore Somaliland's lost sovereignty through dialogue, not Unilateral Declaration of Independence was on the table. 

But the mobs attacked Abdirahman Ahmed Ali "Tuur" pressurizing him to make UDI despite his knowledge of the international isolation; the suffering ahead. Quarter century and counting, Somaliland still unrecognized and stumbles in the dark tunnel not certain if the world would ever rescue her. The Africans and the "free" world didn't "fart" in solidarity with Somaliland so far. it's invisible to the African Union leaders as though Somaliland is someone else's "business". Undeniably, the Africa Union historically wasn't an effective forum. 
On the other hand, the UN solved the political crisis of South Sudan holding a referendum, an easy, legitimate pathway to independence. East Timor, and Kosovo as well while the UN doesn't address the international isolation of Somaliland despite being a unique case better than any other "secessionist."
The UN and the African Union constantly dismisses the right, just case of Somaliland without dissecting facts rewarding warlords, pirates, and ex-terrorists-turned pet allies with the "liberal" world. Sheikh Sharif of Somalia's presidendcy, once a most wanted terrorist, now lives in Boston, preaching democracy.
Somaliland, however, challenged the AU's rigid charters on sanctity of colonial borders by meeting that bulshet rule yet Somaliland statehood has remained a pipedream for almost two decades. Even North Korea and Iran and Hamas-controlled Gaza don't accept Somaliland passports. What a pity. The UN being a passive bystander exacerbates the terrible state Somaliland endures.
But Somalilanders admit their country's rebirth in 1991 after the 1960 miscarriage undeniably brought freedom from state massacre but also lurking dangers. Somalilanders in a well-lit tunnel with determination hoped to achieve their stated goal: global recognition, but now fearing the tunnel may collapse over their heads. The deeper the journey, the more dimly lit the tunnel and the uncertainty of the future becomes. The goal yet remains elusive as ever and the journey in the tunnel seems endlessly daunting. Having covered thousand miles in span of two decades and more, they are still uncertain if they successfully reach the end of the journey or whether to reverse the journey altogether; accept all those civilian casualties of 50,000 according to Africa Watch's estimates died in vain, let bygones be bygones, and start over again from square one. But is the whole process that simple? 
Their resilience is shaky now because political thugs who consider politics " money-making maching" took over. Wadani Party leader Irro called Fellow citizenry should remain steadfast despite haunting by Jackson's song in the mind "another day has gone, I am still alone, how could this be". Nevertheless, for all calculations, there are no easy decisions to take. Running state with difficult birth over 24 years and plus of investing time and money in what apparently seemed nationhood "rebirth" project at the start but actually turned to "Ponzi scheme"(jiif oo jaq) for few individuals have devastating impact. 
Ordinary Somalilanders huddle together in the face of blockade and sanctions by other means but the president, his family, and his inner circle are insulated from any socioeconomic hardship that Somaliland's UDI had caused. Warana'ade Interior Minister raises expensive pets, hires foreign dog washer, vet doctor, while his next-door struggles to make ends meet! Despite his unnecessary extravagances, he called to welcome Yemeni refugees to Hargeisa city not out of human passion but to milk on their misery regardless that they will worsen Hargeisa's shortage of water and health centers without running water let alone their radicalism on youth. 
The AU sacrifices to Mogadishu don't exculpate the cruelty of denying a nation of 3.5 million people the right to exist. Had they recognized earlier, Cardiff Council in charge of city sewage repairs and public toilets didn't make fun of it. Other UK cities shouldn't follow suit and not make fun of Somalilanders' plight partially responsible by the international community. Apparently, Tora Bora shouldn't. 
The hapless Somaliland populace have nowhere to resort to for guidance to exit the status quo: shallow statehood and uncertainty everywhere they look at; compounded by the Djibouti scheme in which the government allowed to grant Djibouti passports to Somaliland officials to help undeserving category . This move undermined Somaliland gradual acceptance by the world whenever they travel with Somaliland documents. Any international punishment affects only the vulnerable folks not the insulated motley in the palace. 
Driven by social media's "phony" pictures of "heaven" Europe bombarded to the facebook by asylum seekers, many Somalilanders are allured then risked their lives to Med Sea.
This year, the turnout for the self-declared independence festivals was at an all time low due to political rifts resulting from an illegal extension of the aged president who, many claim has dementia and faces elderly abuse from his extended family and sometimes from his Friendly Nurse of Minister, Hirsi. 
Somalilanders are angry at the lack of leadership created by the ailing president. Somaliland is overstretched and reached breaking point because of rampant corruption and lack of leadership. "Will recognition, if any, be a game changer? The pursuit of global recognition gained some progress during the ex-president but the nominal incumbent president made a wildgoose chase. 
Somalilanders have high expectation in Wadani Party leader to turn around. 
Despite Somaliland being a "democracy" but so-called champions of democracy completely avoided Somaliland autonomy as a taboo. As a result, it's invisible to the rest of the world and gradually became a regional pariah. Nobody knows if the next anniversary be held in atmosphere of nationhood and state recognition or business as usual. Somaliland mysteriously ended up in that never-ending limbo without any hope in sight and without any global solidarity. Somalilanders ponder next move but unwilling to admit the status quo isn't sustainable. Fake celebrations everywhere but internalize bleeding and self-hate.
The writer Abdirahman Mohamed Dirye is a Somaliland Activist, political Commentator, and Senior Editor at Democracy Chronicles,

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